Monday, February 15, 2010

Tea for the soul.

Tea is such a wondrous thing. It can calm and relax; it can rejuvinate and clear the mind; it can start or end a day. In our household, a cup of tea is essential.

Mr. Penguin and I share at least one cup of tea a day together -- it helps us connect for a few quiet moments. I highly recommend to all to spend a few minutes relaxing each day with a hot cup of happiness. :)

Tetley is our usual tea, but in the past few years we've expanded our tea experiences to varieties of decaf, herbal and also loose leaf teas. One of my current favorites is the apple streudel loose leaf blend from Teaopia. It's wonderful!  That and my lemon Ginger tea...perfection in a cup.

However, if you seek organic excellence, I recommend checking out the choice at Tea Forté. We used their tea at our Penguin wedding as favors and take it out for special evenings every once in a while.  EXCELLENT. I've added some of the non-black teas to my 'must try' list for future purchases.

Well, I'm almost done my morning cup and ready to start the rest of my day. Have a good one.


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