Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bumps in the road.

Life isn't always smooth. It can be wonderful and exciting...but it can also suck ass sometimes too. Nothing major, just a day or two that you'd like to redo or take back or delete altogether.

Ever have one of those days?

I've been getting that feeling in the air. From friends, from the blogs and forums I frequent... I think people are just ready for spring. Antsy and irritable -- that's the feeling. Like we're all still stuck with the tail end of winter (with more snow now in the forecast) and just can't wait until we have sun and grass and flowers.  Wouldn't that be wonderful?  Then I can actually start to wear the new clothes I've been buying myself since losing weight.  That would be nice.  Shed the layers of cold weather clothing and dance around in pretty shoes and a cute skirt...can you feel it?

That's happiness.  

The beginning of spring may be crappy with it's rain and puddles and cold winds...but you know what?  It ain't winter.


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