Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'll take that...and that...ooh! and one of those too!

My birthday night away was amazing.  Mr. Penguin took me to a cute little ski resort town about 2 hours from home for the night.  The hotel was beautiful!  Our room had a giant king size bed and a fireplace and jacuzzi was wonderful.  We slept in and woke up on our own...not to an alarm or kids screaming!  Aaaahh.  Amazing what 8 hours of straight sleep can do for the soul.

In the morning I was greeted with the rest of my gift.  We were going shopping all day -- for me.  I could browse and buy what I wanted, no questions asked.  I came home with a skirt, a top, 2 pairs of shoes, a purse, and a lunch container (I'm starting my new job soon).  It was so much fun!  I don't think I've ever been given that indulgence before.  I recommend!  LOL

In the end, it wasn't the hotel room or the things I bought that made this a great birthday.  It was spending it with my penguin just being us.

And not having the kids around didn't hurt either...


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