Monday, August 23, 2010


I recently started receiving regular magazine subscriptions.  I LOVE them and devour each and every one of them within days of them arriving.  Until my last issue.  For a magazine that claims to be about health and fitness and well rounded lifestyles, the model chosen for one of their features was so very, very wrong.  I literally gasped out loud when I saw her.  

I am not in the dark - I know models are thin.  I know that they do not represent 97% of the population.  I know that their bodies are mainly there to be the 'hangers' for the clothes they wear.  But where does one draw the line?  The woman used in the article had a pretty face, sure, but she did not need to be modeling clothes.  She needed to be on an IV in the hospital to make sure she didn't collapse from starvation.  It made me sick.  I didn't even notice the clothes!

It also made me sad for all of those out there that see models as something to aspire to become.  Those that view a model's body as feminine or healthy or sexy.  Don't get me wrong, some models ARE healthy, but sadly, those few aren't used enough in fashion spreads.  This woman was not something ANYONE should attempt body-wise.  It was horrible.

I wrote my first letter to a magazine over this.  Will it change anything?  Probably not, but I voiced my opinion.  And I called the magazine out for contradicting the values and beliefs about women they claim so hard to have and encourage.  A step forward in helping women accept themselves was undone x1000 with just a few photographs.

I hope to pass on common sense to my girls.  That models are 'hangers', that eating is a healthy part of life, that almost no body fat on a woman comes with severe trade-offs and that you get one body - don't abuse it.  


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