Monday, August 16, 2010


There is something I've always loved about Mr. Penguin - he makes me feel very feminine.  Growing up I was always the jeans and tshirt girl who hung out with the guys and playing pool.  I didn't do skirts, purses (I carried a wallet in my back pocket) or heels (sneakers all the way).

All of that changed when Mr. Penguin came into my life (again...but that's a whole other story for another day).  I find with him being so tall and having big shoulders, he makes me feel petite in comparison (and I use that word very lightly!).  I feel like the gentler sex.  I feel cared for and that he is there to protect me.  I don't always have to be the strong one.  It's a wonderful change.

This feeling of being protected and not having to be the strong one has brought about some feminine changes in our 3 years together.  I love purses!  And I'm quite the collector too.  Although I have severely limited myself before that addiction gets out of control.  I now have to sell one to buy one - it keeps the amounts in check.  I also love cute shoes.  Although my definition of what is cute doesn't necessarily fall into the 'fad' of the week (those gladiator sandals are the UGLIEST things I have ever seen.  Ever.)  I also started wearing skirts this year.  It is now to the point where I find it weird when I put pants on!  I literally wear skirts 7 days a week.  My teenage self would never have believed such a time could come.  LOL

So with my feminine side coming forth more and more, I've found other things to be true.  I thoroughly enjoy cooking and feel it is my responsibility to cook for my man and our family - although he does occasionally cook supper.  I think the housework should be mainly mine as Mr. Penguin works from home 14+ hours a day (he helps with the major sorting and organizing).  I feel that the majority of the work with the kids is mine (see his working hours above).  Is it a lot?  Yes.  Do I do it all?  Hell no.  I work full time and just don't get around to vacuuming as much as I should.  Whatever.  The dust bunnies add character to our home!  ;)

However, by having some jobs that are more "female" in nature, I feel that certain jobs should be held by the man of the house.  Like going on the roof or killing spiders.  Mainly though, I feel like it is the the man's job to mow the freakin' lawn.  And this is an agreed upon point between Mr. Penguin and myself.  I waited 2.5 weeks.  I waited until the grass was so long that any longer and I'd have to rake it too.  I waited until I could no longer stand it.  Then *I* went out and mowed the lawn tonight.

My inner woman is hurt.  She came inside and baked cookies to compensate.  ;)


1 comment:

  1. I completely understand all of this (and, by the way, the gladiator sandals are soooo ugly!!!!)

    Silly men and not mowing. Part of the reason we got the house with non-existent grass was because my husband didn't want to have to worry about mowing (plus, the zero-scaping thing is a huge deal in CO).
