Thursday, July 1, 2010


For a stat holiday that should have been relaxing, it was anything but!  I started out the morning running between two consignment stores in the area to update their ancient computer systems.  The new tax system goes into effect officially today and the systems had to comply and the receipts had to reflect the new tax name as well as percentage. 

Jobs that were originally scheduled between 9am and 11am actually took from 9am to 1:30pm.  Computers are awesome.  I went armed with a CD to override old files and was hit with a computer at each location that did not have a working CD drive.  No problem!  In the end it all worked out and the systems are updated and the owners are happy.

Once I was free to actually start my Canada Day -- my parents were over and the work really began!  My Mom is a cousin of the Energizer Bunny.  She has to be!  For a woman barely into her 50's she has more energy than anyone I've ever met.  In the seven hours my parents were here we (and I'm a VERY loose part of the "we" I use here) accomplished the following:
  • Cleaned the kitchen
  • Washed a load of dishes
  • Steamed the kitchen floors
  • Steamed the bathroom floors
  • Washed two loads of laundry
  • Had supper
  • Folded and put away four load of laundry (I hadn't gotten to yesterday's loads yet)
  • Mowed the backyard
  • Pulled all weeds in the back and front yard 
  • Pulled the vine out that was attempting to kill my cedar hedges
  • Organized the shed
  • Rearranged the deck and set up the kiddie pool
  •  Emptied the dishwasher
  • Bathed the kids in the outdoor pool
  • .......I think that's it.
Like I said -- my Mom just keeps going and going and going...I think they wanted to help out as I have the two kids while Mr. Penguin is away.  Hey, who am I to refuse free labour?!

Both kids are now exhausted and in bed.  I'm getting ready to start my day super early tomorrow as I have to change the cash system at MY work to be tax compliant.  So early do-dos for me.  All in all it was a super productive day.

And I got a free pair of shoes out of today too!  One of the store owner's thought I was sweet and wanted to thank me for my extra time and also educating her on how to properly remove a flash drive.  hehe Bonus!!  Goodnight all.


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