Jobs that were originally scheduled between 9am and 11am actually took from 9am to 1:30pm. Computers are awesome. I went armed with a CD to override old files and was hit with a computer at each location that did not have a working CD drive. No problem! In the end it all worked out and the systems are updated and the owners are happy.
Once I was free to actually start my Canada Day -- my parents were over and the work really began! My Mom is a cousin of the Energizer Bunny. She has to be! For a woman barely into her 50's she has more energy than anyone I've ever met. In the seven hours my parents were here we (and I'm a VERY loose part of the "we" I use here) accomplished the following:
- Cleaned the kitchen
- Washed a load of dishes
- Steamed the kitchen floors
- Steamed the bathroom floors
- Washed two loads of laundry
- Had supper
- Folded and put away four load of laundry (I hadn't gotten to yesterday's loads yet)
- Mowed the backyard
- Pulled all weeds in the back and front yard
- Pulled the vine out that was attempting to kill my cedar hedges
- Organized the shed
- Rearranged the deck and set up the kiddie pool
- Emptied the dishwasher
- Bathed the kids in the outdoor pool
- .......I think that's it.
Both kids are now exhausted and in bed. I'm getting ready to start my day super early tomorrow as I have to change the cash system at MY work to be tax compliant. So early do-dos for me. All in all it was a super productive day.
And I got a free pair of shoes out of today too! One of the store owner's thought I was sweet and wanted to thank me for my extra time and also educating her on how to properly remove a flash drive. hehe Bonus!! Goodnight all.
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