Sunday, May 16, 2010

Why only 24 hours in a day?

I started my new job back in March  and I haven't felt myself since.  I realize that I was taking it 'easy' while on maternity leave, and going with the flow...but I hadn't realized how GOOD it was for me.  See, I would sleep more (god how I miss sleep!) and relax and take walks and actually have the time to plan meals.  You know, like with meat and a side and use the oven and stuff -- not just throw a box of KD in a pot of boiling water (but I totally do not do this -- no, NEVER).

Now I spend my days rushing to get the kids ready and to daycare, to rush to work, to rush at work, to rush home, to rush through dinner/bath/bedtime stories/snuggles with the kids, to rush through work I brought home, to then flop into bed at some stupid hour and get up at the crack of dawn and start all over.  My house is a disaster zone.  I am so not joking.  My vacuum is laughing in a corner as it's been on vacation since...yeah, I can't remember the last time I vacuumed.  Don't judge me!  LOL

The kids have both been sick in the past 3 weeks.  I've spent about 11 hours total in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies just this month.  The baby has had 2 ear infections and the monkey had a virus of some sort.  This cut into mine and Mr. Penguin's work time, which means we're playing catch-up on both ends and missed pay.  Nothing like a little financial squeeze to make you relax!  Yeah, right.  Come to think of it, my ability to only make KD recently is actually helping us save money...

I'm a freakin' genius.


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