Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I'm jealous.

It's an odd feeling.  Mr. Penguin and I have always had friends of the opposite sex and been fine with that fact...but this is different some how. 

This friend is NEW.  

He met her at school.  
Where he's back for his second degree.
She's a first year student.
In most - if not all - of his courses.

I know that I have nothing to worry about.  I think I may be one of the few lucky ones that their husbands have been in love with them since their first encounter (in our case - at age 16 and 17). 

But I'm still jealous that she gets to see him during the day.  
That she's the one that gets to experience this educational journey with him.
That she understands his courses in ways that I never will.
That she gets to see him experience something he loves.

It sounds silly...
But I'm still jealous.


1 comment:

  1. I'm struggling with this too right now. I don't really have any words of encouragement, other than you're not alone!
